Charley The Rooster

Charley the Rooster was created at a workshop with the Miami Watercolor Society and the instructor was Perla Gonzalez. @Sally4art@
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Charley the Rooster was created at a workshop with the Miami Watercolor Society and the instructor was Perla Gonzalez. @Sally4art@
Watercolor Fall Fruit Plate. Arches watercolor paper. Winsor and Newton Watercolors, Daniel Smith Watercolors. If you love it like I do it would be my pleasure to make you a giclee print on archival paper. I will be setting up these options in the future.
Last year I lost my Domain so all my links on this site are pointing to the old site and I am in the process or fixing them. I really wish I still had the old site but its expensive to get it back. So I’m going forward with this site anyways people […]
Hooded Towels Hand made for your loved ones
Trigger Fish I am taking a class at the Broward County Library with Christine M. Landis and we a session with marine life it was such fun. Christine also is teaching a the Charlotte J Burrie Community Center in Pompano the first and third Wednesday of the month. I work on Arches watercolor paper and […]
Bookmark for my cousin Elvira Herring Borda there are two bookmarks two sided one in English and one in Spanish. I used the beautiful art of two virgins my mother painted in oil paints. If you might be interested in purchasing a print of them they are so pretty. I could do that per request. […]